Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Soil is Good for the Soul

Well, what started as a great idea almost ended in a typical Paige-kind-of-melt-down at Home Depot. After Mom helped me pick out some good stuff on Saturday night, I had to return to the dreaded Home Depot on Sunday with Jake. Why, on earth, we went to Home Depot I will never understand, nor will I return. My promise from here on out is to Lowe's, Knox Seed or Plants and More!

After the break down at Home Depot because they were out of the flower to the left, I ended up with two of the flower to the right. (Pictured below) As I begin this gardening adventure I promise I will eventually learn names of all these beautiful plants!  So having two different plants, thank the Lord, worked in our favor!

And now I officially feel like my mother as I talk to my plants daily now, "Grow little baby plants, grow! You look so pretty! Grow big and strong!"

So since my camera phone doesn't have the panoramic option... here are pictures of the front flower bed! It looks a little brown, hopefully in future pictures you will be able to see my little white Begonias, bloomed Day Lillies and whatever those red things are :)

More later on the new garden in the back yard!

"Where you have a plot of land, however small, plant a garden.
Staying close to the soil is good for the soul."
- Spencer W. Kimball

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Beginning of a New Chapter

December 14 started out just like any other day...got up, went to work, went to Jake's to get ready for his work dinner! I wore my sexy, red dress and curled my hair! Breaking out the 3" heels for this occasion was a big deal, we know I'm all about comfort!

As we were just a couple weeks 'til Christmas I was trying to be patient and wait until Christmas Day to open presents with Jake! He mentioned before we left that we should open a present when we got back from dinner...of course my reaction, "YES! Yippee! Hmm which one am I going to give you?" Immediately going through the presents I had for him under the tree.

Dinner was great! Met his work friends, so now I can put names with faces, and heard his supervisors say great things about their dedication and bravery.

Heading back to Jake's, feeling like a million bucks in my dinner party attire... now really contemplating which present I would give him. I huddled around the tree for a few minutes and I noticed he wasn't really reaching for one, didn't really think anything of it. So I picked out this great, soft, green Lands End pull over sweatshirt to give him, and I handed him the box. He had a big smile and put that box on the table... Im thinking.. what are you doing? open you're present, please! He drops to one knee with an open box with the most beautiful diamond ring I'd ever laid my eyes on.


Calling our parents and best friends that night and the next day was the happiest I'd ever been in my entire life. Spending the rest of my life with Mr. Jake McDaniel will be living out my dream!

We're still planning a few details but June can't come soon enough! We are beyond excited to start this chapter of our life, together!